Monday, June 22 | 11:00 am

Meeting via WebEx. RSVP required for meeting.

PRESENTER: Sandra Webber, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences Research Afiliate, Centre on Aging, University of Manitoba

ABOUT: Physical activity is important to maintain good physical and mental health. Some people may find it more difficult to be physically activity during the coronavirus pandemic, particularly if they were accustomed to attending exercise classes in the community that are no longer being offered and/or if they don’t feel safe accessing these centres.

Faculty and students from the Department of Physical Therapy have recently compiled a list of trusted resources on physical activity recommendations and speci c exercises (documents and videos available online) appropriate for older adults. In this webinar, we will discuss how to exercise safely and provide an overview of exercise resources that older adults may nd helpful during these times.

The presentation will be free to view online.

Register on WebEx by June 18 to take part in this event: