You’ll hear from several experts on managing medications and minimizing risk of falls.

See details on the first webinar below:

Pain, Pain Meds and Falls in Older Adults – A Rock and a Hard Place
Tuesday, October 18th, 2022, 12-1 pm (ET), 11-12pm (CST)

Register for this webinar →  (at no cost)

Dr. Shirley Huang, Geriatrician, and Derek Dyks, Clinical Pharmacist, will discuss the issue of pain as it relates to falls and the various medications used for pain control.

Learning objectives/questions include:

  • Why do we care about pain and falls?
  • What pain can older adults have and why?
  • How can one manage pain (without causing more pain)?
  • Which medications are used to treat pain?
  • Which pain medications should be avoided in our older patients?
  • Which pain medications increase fall risk?

Upcoming webinars in the series:

Wednesday, November 16th, 2022, at 12pm ET – Deprescribing
Dr. Elizabeth Rhynold, Geriatrician, and Dr. Shanna Trenaman, Pharmacist and Assistant Professor, will discuss frailty, functional dependence, factors related to the need for full assessments, what deprescribing is, how it works, patient empowerment, and more.


Wednesday, December 7th, 2022, at 12pm ET – Deprescribing continued
Denise Beaton, Senior Policy Analyst, will begin the third presentation with an overview of deprescribing from the British Columbia Public Health viewpoint. Then Cheryl Sadowski, Professor, will take a deeper dive into medication contributions to falls and deprescribing considerations. Finally, Pam Howell, pharmacist, will speak to the interdisciplinary approach and the steps all allied health professionals can take to support medication safety and deprescribing.


Tuesday, February 7th, 2023, at 12pm ET – Non-pharmaceutical approaches to pain management
Jana McNulty, Pharmacist, and Jackie Alves, Program Outreach Officer, Ontario Health’s South West Self-Management Program, will discuss the complexity and biopsychosocial nature of the pain experience and the need for multifaceted pain management approaches.


French webinar: Wednesday, April 5th, 2023, at 12pm ET – Louise Papillon-Ferland 
Details to come.